Police, in collaboration with the Migori County government, are investigating an incident involving a county enforcement officer accused of assaulting a tipper truck driver for allegedly urinating in public within Rongo town.

The assault sparked protests among local lorry operators, who downed their tools in response to the enforcement officers' actions.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line 

Pius Onyango, chairperson of the Rongo Lorries Transporters SACCO, reported that the driver sustained severe head injuries during the altercation. Leading the protests, Onyango demanded the immediate arrest and prosecution of the responsible enforcement officer by the Migori County government.

John Kobado, Migori County’s Executive Committee Member for Public Service Management, confirmed that the matter is under investigation and assured the public that necessary legal action will be taken.

Kobado condemned the assault, urging county workers to treat residents respectfully, and further announced that the county would cover the medical expenses for the injured driver.

This incident has stirred concerns over enforcement officers' conduct in the area, raising calls for accountability.