In a surprising turn of events in Keiyo South, Elgeyo Marakwet County, two police officers were arrested after being linked to the slaughter of a cow reported missing at Kaptagat Police Station.
The officers, identified as Chrispus Butali and Samwel Mbugua Njuguna, were apprehended at the location where the cow had been slaughtered.
According to a police report, the incident unfolded after Josphine Kandie filed a report about her missing livestock. She later received information that one of her cows had been slaughtered within the precincts of Kaptagat Police Station.
The discovery sparked outrage among residents, who stormed the station, demanding the immediate transfer of the officers involved, including the Officer Commanding Station (OCS). Attempts by police to calm the angry crowd failed as residents blocked the Eldama Ravine-Eldoret road, creating a standoff.
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