Following a domestic altercation with his wife, the Bondo Police Station police constable in Siaya County is said to have shot and injured her before turning the gun on himself on Friday.

Bondo Sub-county Police Commander Ibrahim Kosi confirmed the event to Citizen Digital, stating that the deceased officer, Michael Kyalo, reported for work as usual and was given a rifle.

Instead of going to his assigned location, Kyalo went to his house, where the incident occurred.

"We had a tragic occurrence this morning where one of my colleagues, Michael Kyalo, shot himself. Before leaving for work with the firearm that had been provided to him, he went back to his house and, in our opinion, got into a fight with his wife before shooting her. Then, Kosi continued, "He shot himself in the head.

The body of Kyalo's wife, who was shot in the buttocks, was taken to the mortuary at the same institution while she was still receiving medical attention.

The incident is the subject of ongoing investigations.