The final episode of "Jane and Solomon," broadcast on Citizen Television, has left numerous viewers with more questions than answers.

When one of the perpetrators, known as Karis, was apprehended, he provided a detailed account of the events. He revealed that his wife, Jane Muthoni, actually masterminded the plot to orchestrate Solomon's demise.

He disclosed that the initial attempt to take Solomon's life occurred on a Friday, during which they were concealed in the back seat of the Toyota car driven by Jane, inside the school compound of Kiiru Boys.

Jane directed them to stay in the vehicle until they received a signal to proceed and carry out the mission. However, a short while later, Jane returned to the car and informed them that the drug she had been provided with might be counterfeit, as it wasn't having the intended effect.

She made a second attempt that still did not have any effect on Solomon, and she eventually decided to abandon the mission.

Upon conveying this to Karis and Isaac, who were also in the vehicle, they asked her to drive them out of the school compound so they could find their way back home, as the mission had utterly failed.

Karis explained that the dogs in the vicinity had grown suspicious and were barking towards the car where they were concealed, causing them to fear potential discovery.

Ultimately, Jane drove them out of the school compound at approximately 1:00 am, and she dropped them off in Kiria Ini, where they managed to find their way to Ruiru.

When questioned about whether she had left the school compound at such an unusual time of night, Jane did not deny it.

She gave an explanation of how she was feeling sick and needed milk as well as painkillers. Solomon advised her to go outside the school to buy milk because there was none available inside the walls of the building.

How could Solomon permit Jane Muthoni, who was ill, to drive herself in the middle of the night to an unfamiliar location to look for medical supplies?