Police in Kirinyaga County are investigating an incident where a suspected chicken thief was stoned to death in Ngari village in Ndia Constituency on Thursday morning.

“The suspect was beaten to death and his body mutilated over allegations of stealing chicken,” a witness said.

According to police, the suspect has been behind a racket that steals chicken from the neighborhood.

“The thieves have a habit of raiding homes at night, making away with chicken,” Gathenya Githinji, a resident, added.

Further reports show that the deceased had rented a house in Kibingoti Trading Centre, his hideout.

“When he was rounded up, he confessed to have stolen chicken from a seller in Sagana,” Faith Wairimu added.

“The suspect had over 50 chickens in a sack. He was planning to sell the stolen chicken.”

Police have, however, urged locals to report such cases instead of taking the law into their own hands.