Talking of grace to grass, Ex singer-producer Magix Enga might know the explanation of this  just too well. Magix Enga is a renowned Kenyan music producer who once shone brightly in the music industry, has now turned to the Kenyan public for help to meet his basic necessities. Like many Kenyans struggling amidst the ongoing economic challenges, Magix Enga finds himself facing financial hardship.

In a candid post on his Instagram page, he openly shared his current struggles, emphasizing the urgent need for assistance in providing for his one-month-old son.

Despite being hailed as one of Africa's and the world's most gifted beat makers, he has encountered financial setbacks and believes that some of the artists he collaborated with may have taken advantage of his exceptional skills.

Magix Enga pointed to several hit songs he produced, including “Dundaing,” "Flexing", "Power" “Watoto na Pombe” by Otile Brown featuring Enga, and “Maja” by Mapenzi Hisia, among others. Despite the popularity of these tracks, he has not reaped any substantial benefits from them.

The situation worsened when he became a father to a one-month-old baby boy, who now depends on him for support. Unfortunately, his pursuit of financial stability suffered a significant setback when the studio he was working in had to shut down due to rent-related issues.

Currently, Magix Enga faces the struggle of not having a steady income, making it even more difficult to provide for his expanding family. In a sincere appeal for help, he specifically mentioned Kenya’s Deputy President, Dr. William Samoei Ruto, urging him not only to assist him but also to extend a helping hand to others in the music industry facing similar hardships.

He emphasized the significance of this support, especially in these trying times when the creative sector has been heavily affected by the prevailing economic challenges.