An actress from the show "Sultana Bwire Ndubi," also known as 'Dida,' is appealing for assistance to raise Ksh. 7 million for travel and specialized cancer treatment abroad.

Via her Instagram page, the actor is seeking support to save her life as she battles metastatic breast cancer, a condition that has persisted for two years without a cure.

"My request is for the Christmas holiday to arrive well. I am coming to you, seeking help to help me get special treatment abroad in an effort to save my life," wrote Dida.

Dida added that the situation has made him fight with a demon he never thought he would meet in his life.

The actress is holding onto hope and faith, believing that kind-hearted individuals will come forward to help her preserve her health, which is currently deteriorating.

“How expensive is life? One minute you are living a good and desirable life and the next minute you meet a demon that you never thought you would meet in your entire life," said Dida.

He urged his fans and all those moved by his situation to stand by him on the journey to seek treatment.

"Donate whatever you can to help me reach the required Sh7 million. The help of each one of you will be appreciated,” said the actor.

The onset of her cancer manifested with symptoms of swelling, and upon consulting a doctor, she was initially diagnosed with a general infection and prescribed medication to alleviate the swelling.

Subsequent tests unveiled that she is dealing with a rare form of cancer characterized by the presence of abnormal cells in the breast.