Today is Dorea Chege's 31st birthday. Her fiancé, DJ Dibul, made a special effort to throw her an extravagant surprise birthday celebration.

Social media posts of images and videos indicate that Dorea and her friends had a pleasant time. DJ Dibul and Dorea were all dressed in white.

The birthday girl traveled to the event in a limousine. And delectable dishes were arranged on the table.

The Maria actress was asked to marry by Dj Dibul last year. The lovely proposal took place on her birthday despite social media fans making fun of her celebrity status.

The actress described the details of her extravagant birthday party in a series of posts, and they were quite the show. Without the actor's knowledge, her boyfriend, DJ Dibul, secretly organized everything and invited a few of their friends and relatives.

Samidoh, a mugithi singer, was invited to the lavish occasion to serenade the actress. Dibul was the year's lover, Dorea observed. The two formally announced their love in 2022.