Sylvester, the manager of Bahati and Diana Marua, is thankful to God for his continued life following a recent kidnapping.

When Sylvester addressed the incident on YouTube, he disclosed that, while delivering a phone charger to his boss a few days prior, he had been abducted.

The young man claimed that his boss had asked him to get his charger from the office and bring it to him after he had dropped the singer's daughter Mueni off at home.

While traveling, he encountered two men on foot and two more on a motorcycle. He was quickly followed into the car by the two men on foot, who gave him the command to drive away at knifepoint.

The incident took place at the entrance of an undisclosed Total Gas Station at approximately 11:30 PM.

Sylvester claimed that the unmasked men continuously reminded him to wait until they arrived, making the drive difficult. They were closely followed by the other two on a motorcycle.

He was asked to get out at one point by the men, and he barely managed to escape the kidnapping when the car broke down on Thika Road, and the men had to take to their motorcycle to get away.

After stealing Sylvester's phone, the thugs demanded his PIN. He contacted Bahati for assistance and reported the incident to the police.