Nicki Bigfish, a comedian and prankster from Kenya, is grieving the loss of his father.

Nicki Bigfish's father passed away following a battle with a malignant brain tumor.

The well-known digital content creator disclosed on his Instagram page that his father passed away from the illness, even though he had hoped to bring him home completely healed.

"Mzee amesema itakua vizuri akitutangulia. I promised to take you back home walking, but I'll take you back in a box. I failed you. Pole."

Nicki Bigfish made a financial support appeal last year in order to cover his father's medical expenses. Bigfish claims that after learning that his father had a malignant brain tumor, he desperately needed financial assistance to have surgery.

Nicki Bigfish made a sincere appeal to his fans and the public, asking for their support during the difficult time, as the weight of the approaching hospital bill was very apparent.

In addition, he conveyed his gratitude for the flood of well wishes and encouraging words that his family had received during this trying time.

May his soul rest in peace, and my condolences to his family.