After participating in the widely popular "baby daddy" challenge, Kenyan comedian and radio host David Oyando, better known by his stage name Mulamwah, received mixed responses from his audience.

Mulamwah talked about his difficulties as a baby daddy living in Kenya while filming a video on a tea plantation.

At the start of the video, he claimed that everyone believes he is the issue and that all new mothers despise him.

"Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya; everybody thinks I am the problem. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, all baby mamas hate me. Please auntie, I am not the one who impregnated you."

The comedian continued by saying that the child only knows him on social media and has no idea that he exists as a baby daddy.

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"I am a baby daddy in Kenya, the child was told I died last year. I am a baby daddy in Kenya. When I thrive, you say I am making my ex suffer. I am just living my life. So I should not marry? I am a baby daddy in Kenya I only see the child online. I am a baby daddy in Kenya. I am still planning myself because I know there is a day I will be needed. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, I have been blocked. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, nobody is going to trust me, but it is okay." 

However, some social media users found the video offensive, accusing him of being petty because his baby mama, Carol Sonnie, is well-known. Others said that since he later claimed that Keilah was not his daughter, he shouldn't have participated in the video.

Below are some comments:

"Of course you are baby daddy in Kenya, ulikataa mtoto, ukasema si wako!! Why did you leave that and shout it to the media?"

"This is not funny, he's a manipulator and a gas lighter, not reflecting on himself trying to indicate that Sonnie was the problem, pure gaslighting."

"This is unnecessary and petty simply because it's Mulamwah and we all know his story."