A young man has sparked varied reactions among netizens after he shared a video of himself swimming in the confines of his bedsitter. In the brief clip, the man appeared to struggle while swimming and mentioned that the location resembled Diani.

Providing words of wisdom for those going through heartbreak, he advised them not to resort to self-harm but instead to seek joy in things that bring them happiness, emphasizing the brevity of life. The video caught the attention of many Kenyans on social media, sparking a range of comments and discussions.

Several Kenyans on social media speculated that perhaps the young man forgot to turn off a running tap, leading to the unusual swimming setup he took advantage of. On the other hand, some commended his creativity and strongly agreed with the message he conveyed in his words.

If the young ma did not leave the tap running, then maybe he did it intentionally just to fell good and have a swimming experience in his house and cut on the cost of visiting a swimming pool.