After being attacked by unknown assailants, Busia County Senator Honorable Okiyah Omtatah has broken his silence to shed light on the harrowing incident. He confirmed the attack and recounted the events that transpired.

Omtatah revealed that on Friday, March 22, he narrowly escaped yet another attempt on his life when armed individuals trailed him as he left the Busia Law Courts.

Omtatah disclosed that he was being followed by a car on his way home. A short while later, the young person got out of the car and passed him. Omtatah told his driver to go quickly, claiming that stones had been thrown at his car.

"Yes, I was attacked by goons but I was not injured. There was a case I had sued the governor and ordered him to give me information on county operations including the expenditures, bank accounts and things I needed for my oversight work," he pointed out.

"I am told the goons trailing me were armed. So I think they had placed themselves strategically at the time. But when they struck, there was no traffic so I sped off. Witnesses at the scene confirmed that the youth had crude weapons including pangas."