Osoro Cyprian, a renowned comedian and actor from Kenyenya, Nyamira County, is one of the most established comedians in the Gusii region. He has collaborated with several well-known comedians, including Awinja and Nick Kwach. Recently, Osoro shared a photo of his mansion in the village, which was taken by his father. He mentioned that they left home to transform it, and he hopes the house will inspire others.

Investing in villages presents a unique and promising opportunity for both individual and community growth.
Firstly, the cost of land and construction in villages is significantly lower compared to urban centers. This allows investors to build substantial properties, such as homes or businesses, at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, the lower cost of living translates to reduced operational expenses for any ventures established in these areas.

Secondly, villages often offer a serene and pollution-free environment, enhancing the quality of life. The tranquility and natural beauty of rural areas make them ideal for residential purposes, particularly for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. This peaceful setting can also attract tourists, creating opportunities for investment in the hospitality and eco-tourism sectors.
Additionally, investing in villages can spur local economic development. By introducing new businesses and services to rural areas, investors can create jobs and enhance the standard of living for local residents. This, in turn, can lead to a more vibrant and sustainable local economy. For instance, the establishment of schools, healthcare facilities, and retail businesses can significantly improve the quality of life and attract more residents and visitors.

Furthermore, there is frequently unrealized potential for agro-based and agricultural companies in rural areas. Investing in farming and allied businesses can generate considerable benefits due to the growing demand for locally sourced and organic products. Productivity and profitability can be further increased through the use of sustainable practices and modern farming techniques.
Lastly, making an investment in a village can also be a socially conscious decision. It promotes balanced regional growth and lessens urban overcrowding and traffic. Investors may make a significant contribution to the preservation of cultural assets and the advancement of a more equal resource distribution by encouraging sustainable development in rural areas.
Investing in villages has several benefits, including improved community development and personal and financial returns. Investing in rural areas is an attractive choice because of the social duty, quiet surroundings, affordable prices, and economic prospects it offers.