Due to his mounting legal issues, Diddy is missing several significant life events for his children. He will be absent from his daughter Chance's 17th birthday celebration this week.

Sources have informed the media that Chance's graduation from Sierra Canyon School in Los Angeles is scheduled for Thursday. Her dad isn't expected to be there, but we've been told other family members are flying in for the event.

Diddy reportedly told the family about this news earlier; however, he did not explain his absence precisely, so it can't have come as a huge surprise.

According to what we've been told, the family believes it is due to his current legal troubles and desire to hide. It makes sense; if Diddy appeared, it could quickly become a spectacle worthy of Chance's shadow.

Regarding the specific attendees for Chance's graduation, our sources inform us that some of her half-siblings and Kim Porter's family members are expected to be present. Sarah Chapman and Diddy share Chance.

It should be noted that Chance is not the only child he has in high school. His twins, Jessie and D'Lila, who he had with Kim, are juniors and attended prom a few weeks ago. Diddy was absent at the prom, as he was still in Miami.

It's important to remember that Diddy has always been a reasonably involved parent to his children, particularly the girls who were present when the raids occurred back in March.

As you may remember, he was preparing to take them on Spring Break when his private jet was intercepted by the federal authorities in Florida. Since then, he has stayed at or close to his Miami home.

According to TMZ, sources with firsthand knowledge show that federal authorities have not imposed any restrictions on his travel.

Translation: He decided to miss these significant moments with his kids; law enforcement did not force him to do so.

The truth is that Diddy may be facing charges, and although he has made an effort to carry on with his life as usual, this is an unstable moment for him, and it appears that he is attempting to keep his children out of the drama.

The girls will depend on the help of other family members for the time being, and Diddy can always use FaceTime or Zoom.