Star actress Wema Sepetu was recently denied entry to the Harmonize album launch, an event attended by President Samia Suluhu. Sepetu expressed her disappointment after being stopped by White House guards from entering the inauguration. An explanation has since been provided.

And even after begging the guards to let her in, she was not accepted. "I'm sad because I arrived here at three o'clock, but my mother (the President) was already inside. I haven't been able to find out what my mother said because I was outside," she said.

Following her complaints, a statement from Harmonize clarified the reasons for Wema's suspension. It was revealed that Wema, who had been invited by Harmonize, did not adhere to the conditions and regulations given to the guests.

One day before the launch, Harmonize reminded all the guests to ensure they did not enter the hall before the President. This was due to a protocol change that would take effect once President Samia entered the hall, preventing others from entering after her arrival.