Notorious B.I.G's mother, Volleta Wallace, says she wants to slap the daylight out of Sean Diddy Combs after a viral video showed him brutally beating his ex-girlfriend Cassie.

She told Rolling Stone she hoped Diddy would apologize to his ex-girlfriend Cassie.

PHOTO | COURTESY Volleta Wallace

This comes after CNN aired a 2016 video showing Diddy in one of his most violent episodes, beating up Cassie in a hotel hallway and kicking and dragging her along the halls.

 “I’m sick to my stomach, I’m praying for Cassie. I’m praying for his mother. I don’t want to believe the things that I’ve heard, but I’ve seen [the hotel video]. I pray that he apologizes to her.” she said.

She continued saying she wanted to slap the daylights out of the disgraced mogul.

PHOTO | COURTESY Volleta Wallace

“I hope I see Sean one day, and the only thing I want to do is slap the daylights out of him,” she added. “And you can quote me on that. Because I liked him. I didn’t want to believe all the awful things, but I’m so ashamed and embarrassed.”

“He needs to apologize to his mother,” she says. “I hope to God he sits her down and spills his guts and apologize to her.” she said.

Rolling Stone recently released an article following a six-month investigation into Diddy's alleged physical abuse, during which they met with numerous of his former colleagues, collaborators, workers, and artists.

PHOTO | COURTESY Volleta Wallace

Several insiders, including intimate pals from Diddy's Bad Boy days, told Rolling Stone that he has a dark side and can be scary. He desperately seeks approval and admiration while expecting public demonstrations of devotion from others and large payments.

One claimed incident describes Diddy beating up a record label executive who began dating his ex, the late Kim Porter, whom he is also accused of assaulting in this piece.

He's also accused of never allowing her to truly move on over what's characterized as a difficult and toxic relationship