Contrary to his usual public image, Justin Timberlake found himself in a surprising situation. According to his statement to the police, he was merely following some friends who were leading the way. TMZ has uncovered footage of Timberlake driving down a street in Sag Harbor early on Tuesday before he was unexpectedly stopped by the police and taken into custody for DWI. 

Check out this video we obtained from local security cameras: it shows a black sedan driving south on Main Street, just a block from the American Hotel, where Justin had just left moments before. A moment or two later, JT's car appears in the frame.

The car, a gray BMW UT, perfectly matches the description provided by the police in their report. Justin was seen driving closely behind, maintaining a steady course, at least not in this particular video. This suggests that his behavior was not out of the ordinary. 

Police claim that Justin blew past a stop sign about half a mile from where this video was taken. They then began to follow him for an additional half mile or so.

According to the report, police saw Justin struggling to drive in a straight line and eventually pulled him over. Based on several indicators they saw while speaking with him, they suspected Justin was driving under the influence.

In summary... After being stopped just over a mile from the hotel, Justin was ultimately taken into custody and charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated. According to the police, Justin said he was going home with some friends and had only had one martini.

Our sources have revealed a heartwarming aspect of the situation. Despite the circumstances, JT's friends tried to intervene in the arrest, pleading with the police to give him a break. This shows the strong bond and support within their circle.

Since then, Justin has been charged and freed on his recognizance; pictures of him leaving the local courthouse have appeared online.

JT didn't look particularly stressed out or out of sorts -- but his lawyer flanked him.