American singer and songwriter Jason Derulo has finally responded to his Kenyan lookalike, Remcy Don. Remcy shared a screenshot of their conversation on Instagram, where he had sent a message expressing admiration for Derulo's work and mentioning that many people say they look alike.

Jason Derulo replied, thanking Remcy Don for reaching out and encouraging him to keep shining, referring to him as his "doppelgänger from across the globe." The thrilled Kenyan artist expressed his disbelief at receiving a response from Derulo. He mentioned that despite being trolled and insulted online, he's glad he never gave up.

Remcy said, "🥺🥺🥺.. I still can't believe this...!!!! After all the trolls and insults, I can finally talk directly to my lookalike @jasonderulo .. NEVER GIVE UP .... There's so much hate on the internet...!!!!! I LOVE YOU BRO... CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU SOON ❤❤❤💯."

In a previous interview, Remcy shared that people started pointing out his resemblance to Derulo when he was young, but he only fully realized it as an adult. An aspiring artist, Remcy dreams of meeting Jason Derulo and possibly working with him. He credits their resemblance as a major inspiration for pursuing a music career, saying, "I had talent, but I never saw music as a career. One day, my brother showed me a photo of Derulo, and I realized he was my celebrity lookalike. That's when I became interested in becoming an artist."