ODM leader Raila Odinga strategically allocated the five Cabinet positions given to him by President William Ruto, ensuring broad representation among his key support bases. Although President Ruto made the formal nominations, it is understood that Raila submitted the names to the President beforehand. This careful distribution aimed to solidify Raila's backing in crucial regions, as he considers a future role as the African Union Commission chairperson.

Raila's primary concern was to prevent any of his loyal supporters from feeling neglected after years of political allegiance. Former Cabinet Minister Franklin Bett highlighted Raila's leadership and generosity in sharing these opportunities, describing him as a statesman who prioritizes national interests over personal gains. Bett also noted that Raila's selections reflect the diverse makeup of Kenya, despite the limited number of positions available.

Raila allocated the most significant and influential Cabinet position provided to him by Ruto to his Luo Nyanza stronghold, specifically in Homa Bay. This position was given to John Mbadi, the party chairman and a nominated MP who will resign his seat upon approval by the National Assembly. This marks a historic moment as Mbadi will become the first Luo leader to manage the national treasury.

Additionally, the region received another major position with Raymond Omollo's appointment as Interior Principal Secretary, a role with substantial influence last held by Hezekiah Oyugi.

In a strategic move to maintain support in Siaya County, Raila assigned the Energy and Petroleum portfolio to Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, despite Wandayi's current role as National Assembly Minority Leader. This decision will necessitate a by-election as Wandayi steps down from his parliamentary seat.

Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, catering to Raila's supporters in Western Kenya. Oparanya, an ODM deputy party leader, hails from Kakamega County, a vital stronghold for Raila. The county, with over 800,000 registered voters, significantly supported Raila in the 2022 elections.

Raila also nominated former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho as the Cabinet Secretary for Mining and Blue Economy, aiming to strengthen his support in the Coast region. Joho, known for his dynamic leadership, is expected to rally the populous Coast bloc behind Raila. Mombasa County, with over 640,000 registered voters, showed strong support for Raila in the last election.

Additionally, President Ruto nominated Beatrice Askul from Turkana County as the Cabinet Secretary for East African Community and Regional Development. Askul, a key member of Raila's think tank and the ODM Coordinating Committee on Elections, represents an effort to engage the North Rift community, another area of strong support for Raila. In the 2022 elections, Raila received a significant number of votes from Turkana County, reinforcing his political influence in the region.

The recent nomination of veteran prosecutor Dorcus Oduor, who hails from Kisumu County, as the Attorney General, is seen as part of an effort to ensure representation for Luo Nyanza. With the exception of Migori, all major regions have been given Cabinet representation, with discussions suggesting a prominent figure from Migori might be appointed as the National Assembly Minority Leader.

President Ruto is working towards forming a government of National Unity, incorporating key opposition figures to stabilize the country amid recent protests. While both Ruto and Raila have denied forming a coalition between their parties, the distribution of Cabinet positions indicates a collaborative approach in the new government structure.