Kash Doll recently opened up about a distressing experience involving her home in Atlanta, revealing details that she usually keeps private. The rapper took to social media to share that her baby’s father was involved in a shootout with a group of people who attempted to rob her house while she was away in Detroit.

In her message, Kash Doll expressed that she normally keeps her personal life off the internet, but this situation was too overwhelming to stay silent. "I’ve been violated badly," she began. "While I was in Detroit, some people saw on my Story that I wasn’t home and decided it was the perfect time to break into my house and steal all my Birkin bags in Atlanta."

Despite the frightening incident, Kash Doll explained that the robbers were apprehended. "They got into a shootout with my child’s father, and the police caught all of them. We didn’t take any losses. It’s a celebration, but it’s also heartbreaking that it was Black people who did this—breaking into homes to steal. What if my kids, my sister, or my mom were there? What if my child’s father was asleep and they caught him off guard? They came in with guns!"

Kash Doll also vented her frustration with a community leader in her Brookhaven neighborhood, whom she accused of making racist assumptions about her. "I live in a nice area, where I’m the only Black person and the youngest on my block. This man had the nerve to go to the news and claim that my house is a drug house because of the traffic and the presence of other Black people. He assumed that just because successful Black people visit my home—friends, producers, people with nice things—it must mean there are drugs involved."

She continued, "It’s infuriating that after all the hard work and sacrifices I’ve made, someone would associate me with drugs simply because I’m young, Black, and successful. And then, to take it to the news and accuse me and my child’s father of running a drug house? That’s crossing the line. Today, I need platforms like The Shade Room to post this, so he understands why I’m successful, why I live in the biggest house on the block, and why he sees all these luxury cars at my home. It’s because I’ve earned it."