Tyler, The Creator and Kanye West have long admired each other's work, collaborating multiple times over the past decade. Tyler has often cited West as a key influence on his music. However, Tyler is known for speaking his mind when something bothers him, and he recently voiced some criticism.

At a recent concert in Korea, Kanye West shared footage of himself performing "On Sight." Tyler took to the comments with some candid feedback, though it was clear he wasn't trying to be harsh.

The video showed West relying heavily on backing tracks, with the energetic song playing while West appeared more laid-back, letting the crowd do most of the singing. Tyler wasn’t impressed, leaving a comment saying, "N**ga u was right there. Just say the words!!!!" He softened the tone with a few heart-eye emojis but made his point about West's laid-back performance style.

Although Tyler and Kanye have collaborated before, Tyler has faced rumors of throwing shade at West, particularly after the release of his 2023 track "Stuntman." Some fans speculated that the song took aim at Kanye. Tyler addressed this in an interview with Rap Radar, clarifying that the song wasn’t about West and that people had misunderstood. "I would never diss—like, no, I love that n**ga. And that is not about him. It’s actually about the rest of the world," he explained.

Kanye has also expressed admiration for Tyler over the years, praising his creativity and style as early as 2013. In an interview with 97.1 AMP Radio, Kanye called Tyler an "artist, innovator, and a good mentor" for his talent and understanding.

While both artists have evolved since then, their mutual respect seems to have endured. Fans are hopeful that Kanye returns to live rapping soon and that the two continue collaborating in the future.