Renowned Kenyan content creator Robert Ndegwa Kamau, popularly known as Thee Pluto, has informed his fans that he has moved out of the mansion he once shared with his ex-lover, Felicity Shiru.
The social media star has now settled into a smaller bungalow, marking a shift from his previous lavish residence.
Sharing the news on his Instagram account on Wednesday, Thee Pluto also gave fans a glimpse of his new home by posting a photo of the bungalow.
It was evident that the bungalow featured red walls, with some sections painted white. In his post, Thee Pluto also expressed his feelings about the house, stating that it brought him happiness.
"Never been more happy and fulfilled like this year 😍" he said.
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The Pluto also posted a photo of the exquisite mansion that he used to live in with Felicity Shiru, and further accompanied it with a caption where he said goodbye to it.
"Goodbye good memories. Ready to create new. This gem is ready for occupation ✅️ Perfect for a big family ✅️ Dm" he said.
On Wednesday night, Thee Pluto held a question-and-answer session with his fans, where he opened up about his decision to move to a new house.
The content creator revealed that he chose to relocate because he was living alone, and the mansion felt too big for just one person.
Additionally, Thee Pluto opted for the new bungalow as a way to start afresh following his breakup with Felicity Shiru in September 2024.