Chebet Ronoh seems to be attempting to revive her career and is pursuing all the young female celebrities who have stepped in to fill her shoes.

She first denounced Kate Actress and Elsa Majimbo for copying her content. By the look of things, Chebet's list was long.  Singer Nikita Kering, podcast presenter Joan Melly, and content producer Shorn Arwa are now next.


She began by accusing Nikita Kering of having a bad attitude and attempting to ruin her career. She then began it this morning with Shorn Arwa, whom she implied was untalented and making an effort to resemble her.

Later, when a listener inquired about her opinions of The Sandwich Podcast host Joan Melly, Ronoh didn't hold back either. Joan promptly refuted the "Mid" label in response.


Azziad Nasenya is one person who is immune to Chebet Ronoh's current rampage. According to Ronoh, Azziad has always acknowledged her status as a trailblazer in online content creation.

Chebet Ronoh has restarted her content creation after taking a vacation. She wants to restore her status and what was taken from her since she has been working to improve every aspect of her appearance, from her figure to her skin. The YouTuber has chronicled her weight loss journey since she started attending the gym, and she worked hard to see her progress.

The comedian shared a naked selfie on Instagram of herself in a swimsuit. Her full body was shown in the photograph, and she noted in her commentary that it was meant to encourage body positivity and self-love.