A renowned businesswoman Zarina Hassan has once again left her followers in utter confusion after advising women that it is acceptable to cheat on their partners if doing so allows them to obtain the things they seek, such as cars, houses, or pieces of land.

Ugandan socialite Zarina Hassan claims that her experience represents hundreds or perhaps thousands of women who went through several relationships until they eventually met their Mr. Right.

The socialite has said that since guys cheat for the silliest of motives, women shouldn't feel bad if they cheat for the things that are important to them.

When she has something to say, Zari doesn't hold back, even if it could offend certain people.

Call her queen, boss lady, Business Woman, or whatever name you prefer but make sure it sounds bossy!

When Zari introduced her young partner, social media users responded in various ways. Some criticized her for setting a poor example for her children and others who looked up to her, while some praised her for leading the greatest life possible. Considering her baby daddy Diamond is younger, she enjoys dating younger men.

She once got into a fight with a fan who asked the question on everyone's mind ever since she revealed her new, somewhat young partner during her All-White Party in Nairobi back in June: What exactly does she see in the guy?

Zari lost control of her emotions and at once displayed a human side of herself that we hardly ever witness. She addressed haters directly, posing direct questions.

Once Zari came to the party holding the enigmatic new man, she had a great surprise for her followers during her All White event in Nairobi, and just like that, Shakib became known to the public.