Bensoul, a member of the Sol Generation, has talked openly about his relationship with Tiffany, the mother of his child, and their daughter Baby T. The musician disclosed that he had to take a DNA test to prove that the child was actually his after having a tense relationship with Tiffany. But they now have a successful co-parenting plan in place.

This news comes after Bensoul recently broke up with his girlfriend Noini Gathoni. The two had previously reconciled after Bensoul cheated on her with Tiffany. Tiffany gave birth to their daughter in September 2020 after a one-night stand with Bensoul.

Initially, Tiffany had accused Bensoul of being a deadbeat dad but it seems they have now reached a better understanding. Tiffany recently took to her Instagram stories to answer questions from followers about co-parenting and the baby's physical attributes. She revealed that Baby T has her father's lips and her eyes.

Despite the fact that Bensoul has not publicly commented on the birth of his child, he had previously promised to take responsibility for the baby after admitting to cheating on his girlfriend. Fans have been curious about his reaction to the news of his daughter's birth.

Match-fixing has been a rampant issue in the sports world, particularly in soccer. The act of match-fixing involves manipulating the outcome of a game for financial gain. The practice has been known to involve players, coaches, and even referees.

One of the most common ways that match-fixing occurs is through bribing players to intentionally lose or draw a game. Players may be offered money or other incentives to throw a game, leading to an unfair result. In some cases, players may also be blackmailed into participating in match-fixing schemes.

Another method of match-fixing is through the manipulation of odds. This involves placing large bets on a specific outcome, which can lead to changes in the odds offered by bookmakers. This can then lead to a cascade effect where other bettors start to place bets on the same outcome, further influencing the odds.

Match-fixing not only undermines the integrity of sports but also creates an unfair advantage for those involved in the scheme. It can also have negative effects on the betting industry, as well as the fans who support the sport. As such, authorities around the world have taken measures to combat match-fixing, including implementing strict regulations and penalties for those involved in the practice.