Controversial blogger Maverick Aoko has once again taken to her online platform to express her opinions, this time directing her criticism towards influencer and content creator Kevin Kinuthia. In a recent Twitter post, Aoko launched a scathing attack on Kinuthia, referring to him as a disgrace to his community.

Aoko went on to attribute Kinuthia's crossdressing behaviour to his upbringing by a single mother. Kinuthia is widely recognized as an influencer who often generates controversy due to his cross-dressing activities. Aoko is known for her candid and straightforward approach when it comes to sharing her thoughts and opinions. Recently, she was engaged in an online feud with former trade CAS David Osiany, where she accused him of engaging in a sexual encounter with her and subsequently discarding her.

During a previous interview with Dr Ofweneke, Aoko expressed her disapproval of the commercialization of relationships by women, asserting that such behaviour should not be encouraged. She went on to state that men are generally reluctant to marry women who have lost their sense of decency.

Additionally, Aoko offered advice to young girls, cautioning them against looking up to socialites as role models due to their questionable moral values. She specifically singled out Shakila, whom she believed had been misguided by her own mother, expressing her frustration with the situation.

In reference to an interview conducted on Radio Maisha, Aoko criticized Shakila, stating that the socialite is celebrated solely for her nudity and lacks any substantial achievements. Aoko expressed her belief that Shakila's mother, who claimed to be her manager, should not take pride in or support such ventures.

Additionally, Aoko didn't hold back in her assessment of nominated senator Karen Nyamu, suggesting that she lacks a meaningful agenda for the people. Aoko referred to a controversial incident during a political rally where Nyamu stated that women only desire material possessions ("Chuma ya Doshi").

Aoko argued that if women want to be heard and respected, they should strive for noble causes instead of relying solely on their physical appearance. She emphasized the importance of standing up and fighting for worthy causes in order to earn respect rather than relying on flaunting one's body and beauty.

Aoko didn't shy away from criticizing modern-day feminists, asserting that they lack a clear understanding of the true essence of feminism. She drew a comparison between historical feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who fought for significant women's rights such as the right to vote, and the contemporary feminists, who she claimed have lost sight of their purpose.

Aoko dismissed the entire feminist movement as merely advocating for trivial matters, such as the right for women to urinate while standing like men. Despite facing criticism from women in the past regarding her firm stance on feminism, Aoko confidently stated that she remains unfazed by such opinions.