Like many of her guests, a well-known media personality Lynn Ngugi has spoken about how she did not let her terrible background stop her from pursuing her aspirations.

She recalls her father being abusive to her mother when she was a child. She said that her father was a wonderful father but a terrible husband. He provided them with a good education while torturing her mother, which affected her somehow. Lynn says that her parents eventually divorced, and they had to start over eventually in a single room.


Lynn goes on to say that it was hard for her mother to make ends meet and that she would often return to her dad, but after so many times, she just gave up and moved out for good. This decision prompted the dad to withdraw financial assistance.

Ngugi says she was often in and out of school due to financial constraints. After completing school, getting a job in the media industry was hard, and she worked in the Gulf as a barista. Lynn believes that no one ever truly recovers from trauma. It took her a long time to forgive her father for his wrongdoings.


"There were times when I doubted whether I wanted to do it, but my mother reminded me that it's for a reason, and if I don't do it, who will?" "Aside from the sexual abuse, everything people see on my show is not new; if we're talking about domestic abuse, I've seen it happen in my own home; if we're talking about people sleeping hungry, I've seen it happen in my own home; I've been there where people are trying to make ends meet, and I put myself in their shoes," she said.