Ezekiel Mutua, the CEO of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya, still needs to be added to Sylvia Saru, the Gengetone queen, also known as Ssaru.

In an open letter to the celebrity, Mutua chastises her for what he calls her rude behaviour.

The CEO of MCSK claimed that he has always supported family-friendly, wholesome programming.

 I've always believed that content shouldn't be deceptive to be popular—a significant lack of imagination results in the normalization of lewd behaviour and decency for fame. I always promise to be true to myself and give young people honest, loving advice.

Produce material that family members can access. The shelf life of illicit material is brief. The consumer has a crucial role in making content profitable in the end. "Keep it clean," Mutua suggested.

Mutua recently claimed that the song "Kaskie Vibaya" by Ssaru and Fathermoh celebrates evil.

Ezekiel Mutua's open letter to Ssaru is provided below;

"So you do a dirty song and it gets to your head to the point where you dismiss counsel from wise people and accomplished experts by waving your hand in passing," The question "Kaskie Vibaya na huko kwenu?"After that, strangers glorify your insults and conceit on social media, giving you the impression that you are invincible. Playing nasty music on the radio is illegal, even during a watershed time. The nightclubs love it. However, the radio stations and nightclubs that play your song don't pay you anything or only very little. You are cutting yourself from considerable money while appeasing strangers on social media since serious corporations don't link their brands with profanity and immorality.

"After the popularity was built on improper behaviour and idiocy done in the name of creativity, you realize you are broke and unable to support yourself. You disregarded the counsel of the wise and the experienced. You need a manager for your talent in the form of a coach, mentor, or agency. Additionally, only a few people are inclined to help you because you gave off the impression of being a wealthy and arrogant artist. Additionally, you are reluctant to seek assistance because you ruined relationships while savouring the illusory grandeur of social media.

Let me now speak to you in my capacity as a father. The beginning of the end is when you ignore advice from those who genuinely care about you and want what's best for you. Only perverts can buy dirty content. Most of the market, especially in Kenya, is made up of respectable individuals who would not want to listen to vulgar music, especially in mixed company or situations where kids might be present. Despite their imperfections, most parents are concerned about their kids and what they eat. They don't want their kids to be exposed to inappropriate material.

"Many folks wouldn't want their kids to hear your nonsense about incest and promiscuity. Ati said, "Niko na pesa ni ya babako." Really? The character wouldn't be pleased with herself if that were a true story.

You should carefully consider the customer, your target audience, and precisely how your talent can produce money for you before you start creating content for views and likes on social media. In every industry, family-oriented products are the ones that sell the best.