The Tanzanian singer Ali Kiba has explained why he never marketed a song he co-wrote with the Kenyan musician Willy Paul.

Kiba claims that just because he did not promote the song does not imply that he does not respect Willy Paul in a conversation with Willy M. Tuva. "I had no excuse for not promoting it.

I didn't receive any promotional materials to feature the music on my classic. You must provide the folks you are working with with content to share.

Willy Paul and I spoke afterwards; we did not speak then. But the song was tremendously successful.

Three years ago, Ommy Dimpoz, Willy Paul, and Ali Kiba released the song "Nishikilie." There have been 3.6 million views thus far. Kiba lauded Bahati as well, calling him highly brilliant.

Their fans had been anticipating the debut of a collaboration between the two. The song is excellent.

Bahati is a highly brilliant artist that has a lot of excellent potentials. He completely surprised me with how he changed during the song. Bahati claims he is still determining the song's delay.