When Claudia Naisabwa, a television presenter for KTN Home and a former member of the Talanta Hela Council, was complemented on her attractiveness at a previous Talanta Hela event, Ezekiel Mutua, the Chief Executive Officer of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya, set tongues churning.

Mr Mutua was shown chatting with a cheerful Ms Naisabwa and comedian MC Jessy in the popular video by Waza News on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. He informed the young woman that her attractiveness may help Kenya's economy.

"I just stated that your beauty can save our economy. Your beauty is not being taxed," Mr Mutua added to raucous applause.

As they talked on the margins of the Talanta Hela event, where Ms Naisabwa appeared to be an MC, MC Jessy also started to cry with laughter.

The Kenya Kwanza government taxed beauty items in Kenya to raise the government's revenue, which is why Ezekiel Mutua's praise of another woman's attractiveness in the viral video and reference to taxes regarding Ms Naisabwa's beauty can be traced back.

A wig and makeup goods, including synthetic eyelashes and other cosmetics the government wanted to levy 5% on, enhanced Ms Naisabwa's appearance.