Recently, a video has been circulating on social media, featuring Tanzanian famous blogger Mwijaku alleging that Paula Kajala might have had a mis-courage. In the video, Mwijaku can be seen providing comfort and consolation to Paula and Mario, who apparently experienced the unfortunate loss of their pregnancy. The touching video has garnered attention from fans and well-wishers, who are sending their support and sympathies to the couple during this difficult time.

Paula is the daughter of the renowned producer P Funk Masanja and the well-known socialite and actress Fridah Kajala. Growing up in the limelight, her life has been under public scrutiny from a very young age due to her famous parents. The media attention and constant exposure have been a significant part of her upbringing, shaping her experiences in ways unique to celebrity families.

About a year ago, Paula Kajala was in a relationship with Rayvanny, but eventually, they decided to part ways. After the breakup, Paula found love again with Mario, a talented Bongo artist from Tanzania. The couple has been openly expressing their affection for each other on various social media platforms.


During Paula's recent birthday celebration, which took place a week ago, Mario made a heartfelt revelation in the comments section. He announced that Paula is expecting a child, sharing the joyous news with their fans and followers. This announcement sparked a mix of reactions on social media, with some fans sending their warm congratulations to the couple, while others shared their thoughts and emotions on this significant development in their relationship.