Maverick Aoko has come out guns blazing, accusing key ODM leaders of taking advantage of her because she was broke.


Aoko took to Twitter to reveal her romantic escapades claiming that she has given her rosecoco to very prominent people without asking for anything in return.

I've fucked high profile men. But siuzi kuma

in a previous rant, Aoko had revealed that she had a thing with CS Osiany, who is married, but things didn't work out. Osiany's wife was unshaken by the revelations as she and her husband enjoyed spending quality time together on vacation.


She tweeted that David Osiany used to park his car worth millions outside her bedsitter in kawangware to eat her rosecoco. She went on to allege that osiany stole millions during the covid times.

Aoko also accused Linda Ogutu of giving out her rosecoco to get tenders from influential people.

Farouq Kibet, Ruto's personal person ndio ana dinya Linda Ogutu