Toco, a Japanese man, just paid $20,000 to change himself into a border (dog).

Toco accomplished this incredible achievement by acquiring a hyperrealistic canine outfit designed by Zeppet, a Japanese business. Z

Toco could finally step out into the world as a dog and take his first-ever public walk after spending 40 days building this complex disguise.

There have been inquiries as to how one might become an animal. TUV cites a few examples to demonstrate the 'human dog' is not genuine. Some examples are

  1. The 'dog' is seen stumbling up the steps.Most dogs struggle to climb stairs if they have arthritis, hurting joints, or any other illness that limits their movement.
  2. At one point, the 'dog' is heard panting like a person.
  3. In one section of a film, the dog is shown receiving 'dog' food but not eating it; the movie is subsequently altered to show an empty dish. This begs the question of whether or not the 'Man dog' ate the meal.
  4. The 'human dog' is seen waving at the camera like a human being would during an interview with an international media house.
  5. To save their paws from getting soiled, the dog wears sandals when they walk outside. When you're an animal, why worry about your paws being dirty?
  6. The dog has not been heard barking or seen wagging its tail in the manner of a regular dog. Dogs bark when in a new area and wag their tails when excited.
  7. A Japanese business called Zeppet constructed the person known as 'Toco's' hyperrealistic dog suit. Z. 

Among other things, the company manufactures body suits, action suits, headgear, and robots.