In the wake of Harmonize's release of the hit song "Dear X," his ex-partner Fridah Kajala, along with her daughter Paula, reacted with a burst of mocking laughter.

Upon hearing the news of Harmonize featuring them in his latest song, "Dear Ex," the veteran Bongo Movie actress Fridah Kajala Masanja and her daughter Paula responded with unique and individual expressions of their emotions.

Harmonize dropped the song on a Tuesday evening, and in the verse, Konde Boy vented his anger towards his ex-girlfriend, Kajala.

Seemingly in response to Harmonize's comments in "Dear Ex," Kajala and her daughter have created a video where they are seen laughing scornfully, as they often do.

The laughter from Kajala and her daughter can be seen as a powerful response to counter the attacks from Harmonize's camp. In the video, Kajala expresses that she was not surprised to hear Harmonize expressing his emotions since they knew the difficult situation they left him in would be hard to bear.

Harmonize's song delves into his emotional journey, sharing how he had to part ways with Kajala and leave behind the car he had gifted her—a Range Rover. Additionally, he had to leave his daughter Paula's clothing store, which he had opened for her during the peak of their love.


Harmonize is claiming more and more that when he is drunk, he will decide to feed millet to numerous hens so that everyone in the nation will know how Kajala and her daughter defrauded him.I was happy to let you go and be free, so I lowered my hips. The Shop and the Range are yours, and if you were worried that I would fail, you will have to wait a while. On the day that I get drunk, though, I'll reveal the truth in a nation that has seen its share of con artists.

I'm not angry or resentful and I don't like the lies of shovels and stones if you want to trend..." Harmonize undresses Kajala in public in the second verse.