There have been persistent rumours suggesting that Karen Nyamu and Samidoh first met through Mike Sonko in Dubai a few years ago. However, Karen addressed this speculation in a recent interview, stating that they knew each other but tried to keep their connection discreet due to Sonko being her boss at the time.

Karen Nyamu recently shared a Throwback Thursday (TBT) photo taken with Samidoh during their time in Dubai in 2020, and they appeared to be joyous and content in the picture.

Edday Nderitu mentioned that she left him for someone who needed him the most. Edday is currently in the US together with her children.

A netizen has raised concerns about having such a leader, emphasizing that leaders should set an example for their people. They believe the woman's infatuation with Mugithi musician Samidoh is cause for worry and suggest she may require counselling.

Meanwhile, Edday has taken the step of blocking Nyamu on all media sites, leading to a situation where Nyamu is addressing herself. It appears the senator is facing a challenging time due to this development.