Sean Andrew, Kibaki's grandson, has maintained his position on having children in the future.

Sean Andrew stated in a recent podcast that he loves children but does not envision himself as a father.

Sean stated that at this age, he has already planned his life and that children are not in his plans. As an uncle, he claimed he is terrific with kids, and then they go home to their parents.

Sean admitted that he is a lousy father to his dogs since he often travels and leaves them alone at home, forcing his mother to take charge.

During a question and answer session with his Instagram fans, Sean announced last year that he had decided not to have children. He stated that he made the critical decision some time ago.

"Just don't want kids. It's something I have known for a long time," he wrote.

He also stated that he is not actively looking for a mate, but he will consider the possibility if he meets someone with whom he connects.