Lynne Njehia, the soon-to-be wife of acclaimed Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi, has confidently showcased her postpartum physique merely a week after delivering her baby.

The charismatic commercial model, who also holds the role of a brand ambassador, recently posted a series of fresh photos on her Instagram stories, demonstrating her sense of style and body positivity.

The fact that she already had a flat stomach in only one week was evident in these two black and white mirror photographs.

Even while many women struggle to obtain flat tummies after having children, the sassy model appeared to be an exception because she was already showing off her enviable body goals.

Another image showed Lynne Njehia beaming with pride at her physique as she revealed publicly for the first time that her daughter Princess Kyla Omondi was born through C-section.

Lynne and Eric Omondi have however been parents for just a week now, and this is because they welcomed their daughter to the world on the 9th of August this year.

The couple was infact over the moon as they announced the big news then, and the birth of baby Kyla Omondi was especially special to the award-winning comedian as he had waited for 41 years without a child of his own.

"It has taken me 41 years but finally God has blessed me with my own. The fruit of my loins. I feel like Sarah of Abraham of the Bible, she waited all her life for a child of her own. Thank you baby for making me a father. And to God thank you for returning our baby to us" Eric Omondi wrote when they announced their pregnancy in June.

The couple's excitement over the arrival of Princess Kyla Omondi was increased by the fact that they had lost another pregnancy in November 2022.

After Lynne Njehia's sad miscarriage, which left them both inconsolable, something happened.