Social media influencer Georgina Njenga has spoken publicly about her split from Baha, played by actor Tyler Mbaya in the movie Machachari. 

In an interview with Mungai Eve, Georgina Njenga stated that a single issue did not bring on their breakup but rather a variety of concerns that accumulated over time. 

It came to a point where they both thought the relationship was not working, according to the mother of one child. She continued, "The choice was mutual." Before making the ultimate choice, they talked it over with their family. 

"There was no specific reason; it was not just working out. I can't pinpoint one thing. I can't say he did this or that or I did that. It was piled up issues… and it reaches a time you realize this is not working out. First of all, none of us decided that they have dumped the other but a mutual agreement on this is not working out. So no one left the other, we discussed and agreed that we can't continue." 

At the same time, she acknowledged that their relationship had ended temporarily due to Baha's betting scandal and scam claims.

They had already stopped following one another on Instagram at the time. Their divorce did not diminish their love for their daughter Astra Nyambura, and Baha is still involved in her upbringing. 

She also stated that she is not dating singer Lexil, as suggested lately, and that she is single. Georgina disclosed that she would prefer a partner who was not active on social media and that she would not make her future relationship public.