Dr. Ofweneke's humour tickles our ribs, yet many people are unaware he suffers from ADHD. This is the first time he has spoken publicly about a medical ailment he has been dealing with.

Ofweneke revealed to Oga Obinna on the KulaCooler show that he had a difficult upbringing at school. He visited nearly five high schools, many of whom rejected him for his behavior.

The youngster is clever but will not survive at this school because of his language." As a result, school officials refused to admit Ofweneke. His dissatisfied father scolded him mercilessly because of that. "I finally landed at Mwea Boys in Kirinyaga, niliamua kutulia kiasi."

This was his watershed moment. "Mwea is where I found myself." What others perceive as my weakness is my strength. That's when I realized I had something called ADHD."

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that affects humans. People with ADHD may appear restless, have difficulty concentrating, and act on impulse.

" I have extremes. Have you ever noticed sometimes I am moody? So I can either be super excited or dull. To be honest I don’t like to be around people especially if I don’t like your energy"

ADHD is a common childhood disorder that can last into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-esteem, strained relationships, and academic or occupational difficulties. Limited attention and hyperactivity are symptoms.

Medication and conversation therapy are used as treatments. The TV47 host revealed that he learned about the issue from his late mother's side of the family.

The precise origin of bipolar disease is unknown, however genetics, environment-altered brain structure, and chemistry may all play a part.

"I used to wonder why in class I could not stay seated for ten minutes, coz I had to stand. I need to talk"

This used to be a source of contention among teachers. "My mind just wanders. The problem now is that having money makes ADHD worse because it brings out the arrogance in you."

"Me OB, I am not modest. When I didn't have anything, I was humble. I'm about to buy my dream automobile. I'm not putting tint, bro. You had to come see me. When I was destitute, I hid. "Hello, lazima mutaona."

He stated that he will not be bashful about his achievements. "Bro the first job I was a makanga, the second a Mpesa attendant, a PS attendant," among other jobs he mentioned about grass to grace.