Mungai Eve, a YouTuber, has spoken up about her battles with gastritis, which she has had since elementary school.

Eve mentioned that she has had gastritis since she was in sixth grade. The severity of her disease varies, and it is sometimes caused by the food she eats.

She admitted that it was tough to balance expressing happiness for her audience and dealing with the discomfort of her illness.

"Sometimes it gets worse, sometimes it gets better." It is recurring, and I could be in that stage when people start spreading rumors that I am pregnant," Eve explained.

The prominent content producer opened up about her difficulties, particularly in keeping a cheerful face in front of the camera while suffering health issues.

"It is very uncomfortable, especially for people who do my job. People need to see you happy while doing those interviews. The down moments are when I am unwell and I need to show a happy face on camera," she said.

Gastritis is a stomach lining irritation. Weaknesses or injuries to the mucus-lined barrier that protects the stomach wall allow digestive fluids to harm and inflame it.

Eve, thanked comedian Eric Omondi for his consistent support since her climb to public recognition throughout the conversation.

She says Eric has been a constant in her life and is now a part of her family.

Eve has stated that she hopes to use her talents to give career chances to young people.

Her team currently numbers around 11 people, which fills her with pride and a sense of blessing.

"My dream is to form a large team that can provide opportunities to others." We currently employ about 11 people, which makes me feel wonderful and blessed to have such a team behind me," she said.

Eve, she was noted that her relationship with Director Trevor's family is more restrained regarding social media.

Even though she has a deep link with them, they prefer to keep a low online profile.

"They are not the type of family who is into online things." It is simple to persuade my mother and me to record her, but it is more difficult to convince his mother to register her and post the results on social media. We get along well, but they don't enjoy being online. They appear to be reserved."