A fan commented, stating that Samidoh is addressing betrayal despite having betrayed his own marriage. The fan further expressed skepticism about Samidoh's desire to reconcile with his wife, questioning whether she can truly trust him again. The fan concluded by labeling Samidoh's post as entirely unfounded, a thing the Mugithi musician did not take kindly.

Samidoh shared a stage performance photo along with a caption that didn't sit well with one of his followers. He wrote that when you sell your friend, even the buyer won't trust you. He went on to say that people should stop betraying others.

Samidoh's post garnered diverse reactions from Kenyans, with comments reflecting a range of interpretations. Some expressed concurrence with Samidoh's words, while others voiced dissent, drawing connections between the post and Samidoh's personal life situations.

If you're a fan of Kikuyu music, it's highly likely you've come across Samidoh Muchoki at some point. He's distinguished as the leading male Kikuyu Benga artist, recognized for his unwavering dedication and resilience against critics. Samidoh has also emerged as a noteworthy social media influencer, underscoring his enduring commitment and tireless efforts within the music industry.