Kenyan comedian Crazy Kennar has recently captured the online spotlight as Kenyans rally for the return of Yvonne Khisa to the comedy scene. Many have expressed concern for Comedian Yvonne Khisa, who previously collaborated with Crazy Kennar, noting that she may be facing challenges. They believe that giving her a second chance could make a positive difference.

Some individuals have emphasized the importance of kindness and empathy, suggesting that rather than ridiculing Yvonne Khisa's videos, people should refrain from negative comments. They argue that harsh criticism could potentially contribute to her experiencing depression.

Many have attested to the chemistry between Yvonne Khisa and Crazy Kennar, praising their comedic synergy. As a result, some propose that the best course of action would be for Crazy Kennar to extend a helping hand and collaborate with Yvonne Khisa once more.

In addition, it has come to light that Crazy Kennar is in the midst of planning a live show expected to draw an audience of 6,000. The event is scheduled for December, and he has enthusiastically called on his dedicated fans to turn out in large numbers.