Renowned Kenyan actress Catherine Kamau, widely recognized by her stage name Cate Actress, has recently dominated headlines following her announcement of divorce. Cate, who was married to fellow actor and director Phillip Karanja, officially parted ways a few days ago, sharing the news with their dedicated fanbase. However, the couple refrained from disclosing the specific reasons behind their separation, leaving their fans to rely on speculations, shrouding the event in a veil of mystery.

In an attempt to satisfy curiosity, Milele FM presenter Ankali Ray made an effort to reach out to the couple via a phone call. However, their response may not have been what he anticipated. The outspoken journalist initially dialed Phil during his radio show, but the actor ultimately ended the call. In fact, Phil advised the journalist, pointing out that it wasn't an appropriate time of day to make such a call.

"Unanipigia simu sahii buda." Phill questioned as he immediately ended the call.

Ankali then attempted to contact Cate Actress, but his efforts were swiftly halted when the actress promptly ended the call upon hearing the journalist's voice. Kate and Phil had served as an inspiration for many Kenyans as a beloved celebrity couple. Their separation deeply affected numerous of their devoted followers.