Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) involves the removal of some of the external female genitalia. This illegal practice is still being carried out in some parts of Africa, especially in Kenya.


Some primitive and backward traditions have now lost value and are unnecessary, and most people have abandoned such practices. However, the notorious few are still busy doing them undercover.

FGM results in young girls being married off to older men. This completely shuts their dream. Most of them drop out of school as a result of early pregnancies, and that becomes the end of their education.

According to a news feature by Citizen TV, a local media station in Kenya, in the recent past, girls are still suffering concerning early marriages, early pregnancies and Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) 

A visit was carried out to Oloitoktok, where there was a narration of stories involving two girls and how they were rescued.

According to the founder of the Hope Beyond Foundation centre Dorcas Parsit, there was a big challenge connected to FGM and early marriages.


A teenager whose identity was concealed narrated how he got pregnant at 16. The teenager said she dumbed the baby in a pit latrine due to the fear of not being allowed to school again and not knowing how to start the motherhood journey.

Fortunately, the kid was rescued after its cries were heard, and the young mother got arrested.

In the feature still, a girl in Grade 5 was also rescued at the age of 10. The girl was given off to a family where she thought she only went there to help, only to realize she was to be a wife of a man three years times older than her. After being rescued from that marriage, her father disowned her.


Year in and year out, cases of FGM come up. These primitive practices in Africa have to end to promote young girls' dreams. But the big question is; How will the few adamant cases be swept out in Africa?