Trade Cabinet Secretary(CS) Moses Kuria has urged Kenyans to reduce emotions around the high cost of electricity bills in the country.

The CS claimed in a Citizen TV interview on Monday, February 20, that although Kenyans were willing to spend money on other expenses like phone calls and gambling, they felt insulted when asked to pay Ksh1,000 for power.

“We need to reduce the number of emotions around the cost of electricity in the Country. A Kenyan would rather spend all the money betting or speaking on the phone, which is not expensive. When you tell Kenyans let’s pay Ksh1,000 for electricity which will power us then the discussion turns emotional,” he stated.

Further, the CS has called upon Kenyans to exploit the gazetted public participation, by Energy CS, Davis Chirchir, to review energy costs in the Country.

“Kenyans should respond to the gazette because when you are given a chance to engage, we don't engage. Chirchir gazetted an exercise that is going on to review the cost of energy,” he stated.

Additionally, he pledged to raise his voice in support of the high cost of electricity, pointing out that it was unfair for Kenyans to get energy subsidies due to manufacturing expenses.

Additionally, the CS pointed out the taxes Kenyans pay when buying tokens saying manufacturers need to balance between ordinary and industrial consumers.

“You cannot continue using the power bill as a revenue collection agency,” he added.

Kuria made his comments after Kenya Electricity stated that having expensive power was preferable to having none at all.

Geoffrey Wasua Muli, the acting managing director, advised Kenyans to consider the benefits of power rather than only its price on January 28.