President William Ruto has urged African leaders and Parliaments to champion the continent’s development agenda.

He urged them to enact laws and policies to unleash Africa's potential and open doors for its people.

According to the President, Africa has the assets and possibilities to promote a clean, just, and inclusive prosperity domestically and globally.

He clarified that to promote free commerce; this will entail the construction of infrastructure and the removal of trade and immigration restrictions.

“It is the right time to engage Africa’s leaders for the purpose of mobilising a firm African position on issues that are directly connected with our collective aspirations,” he said.

The President commented on Friday in Brazzaville, where he is on a two-day state visit, at a joint session of the Congolese Parliament.

He emphasised the need for African leaders to speak with one voice and demanded global cooperation on climate change.

The Head of State said that to address the continent's debt crisis, the leaders must push for reforms in the international financial institutions.

President Ruto continued by lamenting that African nations must choose between meeting their development goals and addressing climate change.

“It is, therefore, clear that if we do not solve the debt issue, it will be impossible to address the climate crisis.”