Food manufacturer Capwell Industries has diversified into the biscuit business to expand its portfolio.

In a statement on Thursday, the Thika-based company launched a new biscuit range called Treatos, coming as the company celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Capwell Company CEO Rajan Shah noted that the firm seeks to see how to add value to other grains and other ways to make more nutritious biscuits.

 “This is a treat and it can be taken when someone wants to refresh themselves, “said Capwell boosting some of the notable brands, such as maize flours (Soko and Amaize) and pearl (grain brands), as well as Yola.

“We want to bring back the old ways of doing things through technology. You can’t tell the urban folk to use posho mills to grind their grain. But through technology you can bring the posho mill closer to the,” he added.