Old Mutual Group has appointed Loreen Makwanya as its Life Assurance Company business unit Managing Director.

Makwaya has more than 12 years of experience while working as the head of operations and customer experience for Old Mutual Africa Regions.

Makwaya joined Old Mutual in 2010 in the actuarial department of Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (Zimbabwe) Ltd. as a product development manager.

To address the changing needs of customers in the area, Makwanya's new position will require her to expand the company's life insurance options and service delivery channels.

She will also be expected to spearhead the company's plans for corporate expansion and increase its regional market share.

“ I have immense confidence in Makwanya’s capability to take our Life Insurance business to the next level and I am further proud of the fact that as a company, we are giving more opportunities to women in senior management,” Old Mutual Group CEO Arthur Oginga said.

Makwanya has worked in England, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and South Africa within the Old Mutual business.

Prior to joining Old Mutual, she worked as an associate investment consultant, advising long-term institutional investors.