One man died in a suspected Al Shabaab attack in the Widhu area, Mkunumbi ward in Lamu County on Wednesday morning around 2:00 AM.

Further, seven homes have been reduced to ashes in the raid.

According to reports, they killed the Majembeni Primary School security guard before setting the houses on fire.

The remote county communities of Widhu, Salama, and Juhudi have frequently been terrorized, causing many of the locals to flee their homes in search of safer havens.

These villages have experienced more than six such attacks in the last four months, which have led to the unfortunate deaths of more than ten people and the destruction of more than 40 dwellings by alleged al Shabaab fighters.

The attack comes before Interior CS Kithure Kindiki's scheduled meeting with the Security and Intelligence Committees of the Coast Regional, Tana River County, and Galledyertu Sub-County.

The session involving the leadership of Tana River County is headed by Tana River County Governor Godhana Dhadho and Senator Danson Mungatana.